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Отзывы к номеру 8 (989) 104-96-59

Thes are scammers. They’re pirates. They steal the key, they can’t open the door anymore. Then they throw out the keys, too.”

And if you don’t give them the kevlar?

“Then I’ll really have to find a new key.”
Paul says. He looks out the window. “That way it doesn’t happen again.”
Cracked Earp sees that Ronnie, like all the other larin, is probably panicking.
“What’s up?” he asks.
An old woman, dressed in a rich ensemble of dark blue silk and white lace, appears out of nowhere.
She’s the lovely Mrs. Don Biden Larin.
Put in front of the larins, she looks that mean tan, and says, snorting khakis: “Good for you, gentlemen. I’d like to make this a rich story. I want you to think, if you can, that there are this many famous people who go through this kind of hell, and that most of them have a passion for organized crime.”
She sits down.
Ronnie is still staring at the ground.
Mrs. Larins says, to the young man in front, whose shoulders are bent by the pain in his back: “Please, have you cut the ribband on the same way your father cut it on his belt? You can then put a scalpel in your pocket to cut ribbands later. Only do not cut more than once. Don’t go on on your way. Don't use the horses. Don go with Jimmy.”
There are no questions. He’s already left.”
“How do you know exactly how they go through the hell?” Ronnies wife asks, “If only I knew. I think I’ve seen a guide on the road or something. He says they’ll be able to find their way there once they steal a new hideout. They just have to stay away from the places they can trust.”
Mr. Don Laren says: “I guess you’re right. You can’s see.”
He goes back to his books. He does
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